Isn't she a beaut! All you do here is slice the ends off, cut in half length ways, and scoop out the pips.
Next up, score Mrs B and rub with rapeseed oil, salt and pepper. Pop into the oven for 45 minutes at 180C, now lets move on to preparing the ratatouille.
One of the many reasons I love ratatouille, other than it reminds me of those cute chubby little mice in the film, is that you can ram pretty much any veg in and it just works...
As well as the Peppers, Courgettes, Tomatoes and Red Onion, I also used Garlic and Yellow Courgette too. Once you've finely chopped all your veggies, put in a saucepan for about 20 minutes with some bay leaves, and tomato puree and a touch of water and leave on simmer, cook until the veg has just gone from crunchy to slightly softer. By this point the Butternut Squash is about ready to come out of the oven, now at this stage you scoop the majority of the "BNS" out from its skin, add most of it to the Ratatouille and then fill the "BNS" with it.
All done, depending on how hungry you are feel free to accompany this with a side salad, this was so yummy I wanted tempted to just shove my face in it.
Talking of eating at high speed, it's super bad for you, and your digestive system to take your time and enjoy your food. NOMNOMNOM.
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