
Big Hunks of Cucumber on Buttery Toasted Bread, Topped with Rock Salt.

The other night, Cherry and I were taking a break from our Breaking Bad AWESOME is it by the way?! When we decided we needed a midnight snack 10pm toast fix. I'll be honest with you, since our BB tradition began, 8 glorious episodes ago neither of us have made it to midnight. We're getting old now ladies!
So there we were buttering our toast when Cherry says, "Fancy some Cucumber on that?" Say what child, are you bonkers I laughed.
Turns out yes she is bonkers, we already knew that, but she's right on the money with this one! Apparently her old boss introduced her to it, and I am rather glad she did! 
Here's a quick photo! Gotta get back to Breaking Bad!

If you have any other TV recommendations let me know! Cherry and I have promised eachother we shall only watch Breaking Bad together and she's going away for the weekend! HELP?!

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