As a first timer I had no idea what to expect, as this blog is all about trying new things and being honest, I was possibly slightly over indulgent with the HALF A LEMON I juiced and put in a mug with boiling water. Here's why, I would say I am easily "The Worlds Worst" at drinking a hot drink, I mean if you want a luke warm drink drank with vigor I'm your girl! That coupled with the fact I don't do well with sour...
Hot Lemon:
It is exactly what it says on the tin, the juice of a Lemon and hot water.
I half wish I had taken photos of my facial expression while drinking this, but it's far to early in the day to subject you to that. But to give you an idea, remember that face you pull when you've taken a greedy mouthful of hardcore lemon sorbet? Times that by 100. After each mouthful there was a neck jerk a pigeon would be proud of, but then ahhhhh of appreciation! I only managed half a cup this morning, but I promise to do better tomorrow morning!
Simple Green Smoothie:
Handful of Spinach
Half a banana
1tbsp peanut butter
2 gulps of milk (I used LactoFree)
Put all these ingredients into a blender and whizz!
This was hands down delicious! And I am very excited about trying different variations! I think tomorrow I am going to add lots more spinach because you really can't taste it at all! One great side effect of the Hot Lemon is that it completely dries out the inside of your mouth so the smoothie is like a nectar from the gods! YUM! That recipe makes about 1 pint of breakfast smoothie, that may sound like a lot but remember this is your breakfast we're talking about. And we all know BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY! And trust me after the Hot Lemon you'll lap it up! I actually wish I had a time stamp on the photos of full glass and empty glass ;) Record breaking drinking, according to Dad I sounds like water going down a drainpipe when I'm drinking something yummy, well in that case Dad, this had drainpipe written all over it! You may have noticed that this recipe only uses half a banana so chump the other half down afterwards too, "waste not, want not" as my mother would say!
Once I had finished my pint of delicious smoothie I found that the lemon drying affect was still happening so I've taken a pint of water with me, and in the time it has taken for me to write this I have almost finished it. I am not one of those people that drinks water all the time, I'm the kid who got sunstroke 'cos I never saw the importance of it! I'm getting there now though.... I'll prove it when Summer finally arrives!
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