These chocolate truffles are THE BOMB! And I really don't think they could be easier to make. They are so allergy friendly I think I'd marry them if I could.
Dun dun, dundun...
Here's the good part:
Gluten Free
Dairy Free
I am rather excited about these, they're delicious, I've had two just while writing this up and I won't apologise! (to you, myself or my digestive system)
The girls have tried them, it resulted in smiles and arm flapping, I find this response to be universally good through all ages. Not to be confused with confusion faces and arm flapping, that's a whole different story. :P
You'll notice I haven't even told you anything about the actual truffles yet, that's because they're o quick and easy you'll be done before I can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
For a recipe with NO SUGAR in it I am bouncing with energy. OK, OK, I'll share the secrets.
4 tbsp shredded coconut (I had chunks in my cupboard and grated them)
15 medjool dates
2 tbsp coconut oil
3 tbsp cacao powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon (add more to taste)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
6 mint leaves finely chopped (this can be swapped out for any flavouring you prefer)
Put it all in the blender
Blend for a couple of minutes until its one big ball.
Scoop it out into a fridgeable container and leave for 10 minutes in the fridge. At this point I had to try some, and that's when the excitement began.
After the 10 minutes bring it out and make into little balls, you decide the size.
Now just roll them in cacao powder. I love cinnamon so rolled mine in both, you could mix it up a little and try ground almonds, more coconut, mint, chilli powder if you're a crazy cat, even rock salt would work.
Stick in the fridge for another 20 minutes, and they're ready to eat. I would happily eat them in any state ;)
Feel free to thank me later.
Watermelon Sorbet
As you know, the other day I went to a local fruit and veg market and got very excitable, coming home with arms full of summery fruit. It's not very sunny today so I decided to make a little sunshine of my own.
I mentioned in a previous post about how to cut out the crap in your diet (you can read it here) that you should make your own naughty food. OK, OK, it contains sugar, but its ten times better than you gorging your way through a giant tub of vanilla ;) And besides you have to be naughty sometimes. If you're like me you'll be really good for two weeks then get in bed with Ben and Jerry and be a VERY naughty girl. Instead I would rather have some tasty homemade treats stored away. They taste just as naughty as that two-some but they won't result in you falling off the cliff and tumbling into heaps of sweety wrappers and icecream tubs. So lets get making.
1 average sized watermelon (4lbs or 6 cups)
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup water
2 tbsp lime juice
1 radio station with your favourite tunes
I would suggest making this recipe when you have the whole day off and intend to make other treats too. The actual prep doesn't take any time at all, but you have to refrigerate it for quite a long time and check on it quite often. So get cosy in your kitchen, you're here for the long haul guys!
Turn on radio.
Chop the entire Watermelon.
Remove all the seeds.
Put the sugar and water into a saucepan and bring to the boil, turn down the temp and simmer for 5 minutes.
This is my measuring cup for my recipes. I feel it deserves a special mention...
Now take off the heat and leave it on the side to cool (this is when I would start making something in the meantime)
Now just transfer into a fridgeable tub and whack it in there for an hour.
Once your hour is up it's time to blend the watermelon, now I found that there was a ridiculous amount of liquid sloshing about when I was doing this so I blended it in bits.
Next you have to sieve it, I won't lie to you this part of the process took so much time I think I may have lost some of my marbles in the process!
Once that's all done it's time to whisk the sugar syrup that you made earlier into the Watermelon and then put it into metal containers to be frozen.
You're at the home straight now, all you have to do now is stir the frozen outer edge into the centre every half an hour until the consistency is just right! Here you can see it's nearly done....
Mine has just reached that stage now and I just tasted a little bit. Oh its like a summery party in your mouth!
Now all I need is some sunshine and my girls!
I mentioned in a previous post about how to cut out the crap in your diet (you can read it here) that you should make your own naughty food. OK, OK, it contains sugar, but its ten times better than you gorging your way through a giant tub of vanilla ;) And besides you have to be naughty sometimes. If you're like me you'll be really good for two weeks then get in bed with Ben and Jerry and be a VERY naughty girl. Instead I would rather have some tasty homemade treats stored away. They taste just as naughty as that two-some but they won't result in you falling off the cliff and tumbling into heaps of sweety wrappers and icecream tubs. So lets get making.
1 average sized watermelon (4lbs or 6 cups)
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup water
2 tbsp lime juice
1 radio station with your favourite tunes
I would suggest making this recipe when you have the whole day off and intend to make other treats too. The actual prep doesn't take any time at all, but you have to refrigerate it for quite a long time and check on it quite often. So get cosy in your kitchen, you're here for the long haul guys!
Turn on radio.
Chop the entire Watermelon.
Remove all the seeds.
Put the sugar and water into a saucepan and bring to the boil, turn down the temp and simmer for 5 minutes.
This is my measuring cup for my recipes. I feel it deserves a special mention...
Now take off the heat and leave it on the side to cool (this is when I would start making something in the meantime)
Now just transfer into a fridgeable tub and whack it in there for an hour.
Once your hour is up it's time to blend the watermelon, now I found that there was a ridiculous amount of liquid sloshing about when I was doing this so I blended it in bits.
Next you have to sieve it, I won't lie to you this part of the process took so much time I think I may have lost some of my marbles in the process!
Once that's all done it's time to whisk the sugar syrup that you made earlier into the Watermelon and then put it into metal containers to be frozen.
You're at the home straight now, all you have to do now is stir the frozen outer edge into the centre every half an hour until the consistency is just right! Here you can see it's nearly done....
Mine has just reached that stage now and I just tasted a little bit. Oh its like a summery party in your mouth!
Now all I need is some sunshine and my girls!
Say "Goodbye" to acne with the help of these 7 Foods.
At some point or another we will all suffer with acne to some extent. So I thought I'd do a little help sheet about foods that can help to clear up or possibly prevent break outs.
Because I have a Potato allergy, but I can eat Sweet Potato I do eat quite a lot of these. Sweet Potatoes target spots because they lower your blood pressure. Acne tends to occur when your blood sugar spikes after eating high glycemic carbs, this causes your hormones to imbalance and then the dreaded spots appear. :( Then in swoops the Sweet Potato, lowering your blood sugar levels, stabilising your insulin secretion and being sweet and tasty at the same time. SWOON.
BEAUTY TIP: Eat one a day and you'll get a lovely healthy glow that will make you look tanned. And they're packed with Vitamin B which is great for the skin too! Winning all round really.
Carrots have the same benefits for the skin as Sweet Potatoes do. They are so easy to incorporate into a diet too, chomp on them raw, slice, grate, juice or bake them. Delicious! Carrots also contain Vitamin C which is a fantastic anti-oxidant for skin!
Listen to your mumma! Eat your greens! I've always loved veggies as far back as I can remember but if you're having trouble getting your kids to eat them tell them they'll get horrible spots if they don't. I'm half joking ;) Try to include greens in every meal, I tend to eat Spinach atleast once a day. I am bonkers for a good smoothie so I always put a couple of handfuls in those. Most doctors will subscribe acne sufferers with Accutane, this is a chemical version of Vitamin A, why not cut out the middle man and eat them in yummy salads and smoothies! Greens also have lots of Vitamin K which promotes healthy blood flow and will give you a lovely glow to your skin.
Salmon is one of my favourite fish. There are a few main things that your skin needs to be healthy, they are Omega 3 Fatty Acids (which are rich in Protein) Protein helps to produce Collagen, Collagen stops your skin from aging so fast, b'bye wrinkles!
Magnesium and B12 help to calm your nerves and therefore level out your hormones. Lastly try to buy Wild Alaskan Salmon for example, it won't be filled with toxins from polluted water! :)
These fruits are almost show offs. Yep, they're that good! Not only do they help reduces acne they also aid digestion (they will be on my next shopping list)
Here's why they are so great:
(a)You can buy them all year round
(b)They contain lower levels of sugar than most fruits
(c)They are rich in Beta Carotene which kicks acne's butt
(d)Full of anti-oxidants that fight skin repair, cellular regeneration, and digestion.
(e)The seeds are edible and contain all that goodness too, so put them on your smoothies, on a salad, whatever really.
6. EGGS.
I'm not vegan, (but I love vegan recipes due to my dairy problems) so I eat quite a lot of eggs. They contain all the sparkly awesome stuff I have just spoken about. My only advice with eggs is if you can buy Free Range or even better Organic, please do. This just means that they won't have used any of the pesticides that can actually seep through the shell into the egg. Gross!
Avocados are a bit of an acquired taste, my mum LOVES them and I just couldn't get my head around them until very recently. Now I substitute them into my diet quite frequently. You can use them mashed up instead of butter, (great on a wholegrain oatcake) I also just read an article that said if you put half of one into a smoothie it can give it the thick, creamy consistency of a milkshake without the dairy. Music to my ears!! They are also great at stabilising your blood sugar levels too as they contain lots of fibre.
VEGANS: Try increasing your intake of chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flaxseeds.
I really hope this helps you guys, spots really can put a downer on your day!
I shall post some homemade face masks soon too I promise!
Because I have a Potato allergy, but I can eat Sweet Potato I do eat quite a lot of these. Sweet Potatoes target spots because they lower your blood pressure. Acne tends to occur when your blood sugar spikes after eating high glycemic carbs, this causes your hormones to imbalance and then the dreaded spots appear. :( Then in swoops the Sweet Potato, lowering your blood sugar levels, stabilising your insulin secretion and being sweet and tasty at the same time. SWOON.
BEAUTY TIP: Eat one a day and you'll get a lovely healthy glow that will make you look tanned. And they're packed with Vitamin B which is great for the skin too! Winning all round really.
Carrots have the same benefits for the skin as Sweet Potatoes do. They are so easy to incorporate into a diet too, chomp on them raw, slice, grate, juice or bake them. Delicious! Carrots also contain Vitamin C which is a fantastic anti-oxidant for skin!
Listen to your mumma! Eat your greens! I've always loved veggies as far back as I can remember but if you're having trouble getting your kids to eat them tell them they'll get horrible spots if they don't. I'm half joking ;) Try to include greens in every meal, I tend to eat Spinach atleast once a day. I am bonkers for a good smoothie so I always put a couple of handfuls in those. Most doctors will subscribe acne sufferers with Accutane, this is a chemical version of Vitamin A, why not cut out the middle man and eat them in yummy salads and smoothies! Greens also have lots of Vitamin K which promotes healthy blood flow and will give you a lovely glow to your skin.
Salmon is one of my favourite fish. There are a few main things that your skin needs to be healthy, they are Omega 3 Fatty Acids (which are rich in Protein) Protein helps to produce Collagen, Collagen stops your skin from aging so fast, b'bye wrinkles!
Magnesium and B12 help to calm your nerves and therefore level out your hormones. Lastly try to buy Wild Alaskan Salmon for example, it won't be filled with toxins from polluted water! :)
These fruits are almost show offs. Yep, they're that good! Not only do they help reduces acne they also aid digestion (they will be on my next shopping list)
Here's why they are so great:
(a)You can buy them all year round
(b)They contain lower levels of sugar than most fruits
(c)They are rich in Beta Carotene which kicks acne's butt
(d)Full of anti-oxidants that fight skin repair, cellular regeneration, and digestion.
(e)The seeds are edible and contain all that goodness too, so put them on your smoothies, on a salad, whatever really.
6. EGGS.
I'm not vegan, (but I love vegan recipes due to my dairy problems) so I eat quite a lot of eggs. They contain all the sparkly awesome stuff I have just spoken about. My only advice with eggs is if you can buy Free Range or even better Organic, please do. This just means that they won't have used any of the pesticides that can actually seep through the shell into the egg. Gross!
Avocados are a bit of an acquired taste, my mum LOVES them and I just couldn't get my head around them until very recently. Now I substitute them into my diet quite frequently. You can use them mashed up instead of butter, (great on a wholegrain oatcake) I also just read an article that said if you put half of one into a smoothie it can give it the thick, creamy consistency of a milkshake without the dairy. Music to my ears!! They are also great at stabilising your blood sugar levels too as they contain lots of fibre.
VEGANS: Try increasing your intake of chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flaxseeds.
I really hope this helps you guys, spots really can put a downer on your day!
I shall post some homemade face masks soon too I promise!
To New Beginnings...
At the end of my previous post I touched on how I was off to do something exciting, well I can now tell you all about it! My love for food has been an on going thing, but realising that it was a career path only happened about a month ago. And I'd like to thank my boss and colleagues for making it a possibility. I really couldn't have done it without your support. OK, soppy bit over!
Two weeks ago I got the chance to speak with a guy at Radisson Hotels, and he set up a trial for me, that's what I was heading off to the other day, and it went amazingly! They offered me a position on the spot and I start in a week! I am SO unbelievably excited to start this next chapter in my life! And I hope you will enjoy the journey with me!
It just shows that if you don't like something, you can change it. If only I could be so strong against Icecream... ;)
Let the adventurous begin!!!
Two weeks ago I got the chance to speak with a guy at Radisson Hotels, and he set up a trial for me, that's what I was heading off to the other day, and it went amazingly! They offered me a position on the spot and I start in a week! I am SO unbelievably excited to start this next chapter in my life! And I hope you will enjoy the journey with me!
It just shows that if you don't like something, you can change it. If only I could be so strong against Icecream... ;)
Let the adventurous begin!!!
Summer Time: Lets Cut out the Crap!
Right so we all know I didn't quite do the whole 14 days kickstart for my Clean and Lean Diet Plan, however the principles of it are well and truely programed in. The main ones being, No Alcohol, Processed Foods, Caffeine, and Refined Sugars. Now you're probably thinking, oh great, there goes all my fun!
Nuuuhhh Uhhhhh...WRONG! All the food you've seen on here has been in keeping with this plan and quite frankly I've never been more excited about food!
Here are a few top tips to help you out. I personally found it easier to go cold turkey, just woke up one morning and said "No more junk!"
Read your food labels, if you can't pronounce, understand or count with one hand all the ingredients, put it right back on the shelf.
Get educated on your fruits and veg, if you eat more of these, they'll be no counting of calories and grams of fat, the more fruit and veg you eat the less hungry you'll be for processed foods. And the more you indulge the easier it will be to buy healthily!
This does not mean a trip to the local pub ;) Take a little wonder around your neighbourhood, check out the butchers, the bakery and family run places like this. You'll find that products from these places will have all the goodness and none of the crap. I can't imagine that lovely little lady in the bakery shoving chemicals into the bread rolls can you? Besides, she wants you coming back in a few days to buy more, so she won't be ramming things in your pastry to prolong the shelf life!
Don't fall for the jargon. When it comes to grains you want WHOLE GRAINS. Don't get tricked by the word "refined" that ain't nothin' refined about'em.
Refined grains include things such as White Flour, which is just high in calories and low in nutrition. Even if you're intolerant of gluten you can still have Whole Grain so make sure you only eat the best!
This is just clever wording for sugar essentially, its put in all highly processed foods and its gross. Also if it, or any other sugar or sweeteners appears in the top three ingredients put it down.
If you are not sure whether something is processed or not, think about if you were making it at home, would you need to put all those ingredients in, if you would, and you would still be happy to eat it, it should be fine. I can't see us tipping loads of "stabilisers" into our Beef Stroganoff can you?
The majority of the time kids meals are made up of precooked meats. Mainly chicken nuggets and such, which are packed with salt! YUCK! So if you want your kids to eat as well as you, maybe order an extra side and a plate, and share out the grub.
Visit your local farmers market, if you've read one of my recent posts you'll know it's like Disneyland to me! There are so many advantages to this! You'll be supporting local businesses, getting more nutrition from your foods as they'll all be in season, they won't be covered in yucky pesticides, and if you go to a proper one they'll be cheaper than supermarkets too!
Naughty foods don't have to be foods full of crap, the way I think about it is, they are the foods soooo tasty, they make you want to be naughty ;)
So instead of reaching for a sugar injected Chocolate Bar why not try my Chocolate Brownies, they're gluten free! So take the day one weekend to gather your troops and make some naughty food of your own. Then you can get naughty one evening with a box of homemade cookies knowing the whole times exactly whats in them. If you are feeling uninspired check out my Naughty But Nice Section.
Nuuuhhh Uhhhhh...WRONG! All the food you've seen on here has been in keeping with this plan and quite frankly I've never been more excited about food!
Here are a few top tips to help you out. I personally found it easier to go cold turkey, just woke up one morning and said "No more junk!"
Read your food labels, if you can't pronounce, understand or count with one hand all the ingredients, put it right back on the shelf.
Get educated on your fruits and veg, if you eat more of these, they'll be no counting of calories and grams of fat, the more fruit and veg you eat the less hungry you'll be for processed foods. And the more you indulge the easier it will be to buy healthily!
This does not mean a trip to the local pub ;) Take a little wonder around your neighbourhood, check out the butchers, the bakery and family run places like this. You'll find that products from these places will have all the goodness and none of the crap. I can't imagine that lovely little lady in the bakery shoving chemicals into the bread rolls can you? Besides, she wants you coming back in a few days to buy more, so she won't be ramming things in your pastry to prolong the shelf life!
Don't fall for the jargon. When it comes to grains you want WHOLE GRAINS. Don't get tricked by the word "refined" that ain't nothin' refined about'em.
Refined grains include things such as White Flour, which is just high in calories and low in nutrition. Even if you're intolerant of gluten you can still have Whole Grain so make sure you only eat the best!
This is just clever wording for sugar essentially, its put in all highly processed foods and its gross. Also if it, or any other sugar or sweeteners appears in the top three ingredients put it down.
If you are not sure whether something is processed or not, think about if you were making it at home, would you need to put all those ingredients in, if you would, and you would still be happy to eat it, it should be fine. I can't see us tipping loads of "stabilisers" into our Beef Stroganoff can you?
The majority of the time kids meals are made up of precooked meats. Mainly chicken nuggets and such, which are packed with salt! YUCK! So if you want your kids to eat as well as you, maybe order an extra side and a plate, and share out the grub.
Visit your local farmers market, if you've read one of my recent posts you'll know it's like Disneyland to me! There are so many advantages to this! You'll be supporting local businesses, getting more nutrition from your foods as they'll all be in season, they won't be covered in yucky pesticides, and if you go to a proper one they'll be cheaper than supermarkets too!
Naughty foods don't have to be foods full of crap, the way I think about it is, they are the foods soooo tasty, they make you want to be naughty ;)
So instead of reaching for a sugar injected Chocolate Bar why not try my Chocolate Brownies, they're gluten free! So take the day one weekend to gather your troops and make some naughty food of your own. Then you can get naughty one evening with a box of homemade cookies knowing the whole times exactly whats in them. If you are feeling uninspired check out my Naughty But Nice Section.
North End Rd Fruit and Veg Market
OMG I am officially such a food nerd, strolling along looking at all these different types of fruit and veg was heaven to me! I must've driven Amelie made with my chat about new recipes and ideas. It also really made me miss my childhood trips to France, and visiting those markets. Something I need to rectify with a holiday I recon! All the bright colours and smells were fantastic, and don't even get me started on the bargains and sunshine...What more could a girl want?!
£1 for a Watermelon, and £1 for all those Bananas...I'll take them all!!
I discovered so much new fruit and veg, this beast is called a Bread Fruit, and next to it, a cousin of the Sweet Potato, Mr Puma Yam.
PINAPPLES- One of my diehard favs, which is why I gave both of these a home! ;)
The beautiful colours continued on our way home, with us stopped every 100 yards, ditching all our bags and whipping out our cameras!
I am in THE BEST MOOD after this little adventure, tasty smoothie for breakie, wandering in the sun for a few hours, buying a Watermelon a wooohoooo! And now up on my roof terrace soaking in the rays with a fresh mint tea.
Yep, that's just mint leaves and water! SO refreshing in the sunshine, calming and great for you!
Does my excitement show?
The Pinapples are hiding in this photo I noticed! Shy, prickly, little things clearly!
All this and more for £5!! No wonder I'm smiling! I also bought myself a little flask, for smoothies on the go!
Ok, I'm off on another little adventure now, I'll let you know how it goes afterwards! Hope you're all having fun in the sun and don't get my shoulder...yes just one shoulder! :P
£1 for a Watermelon, and £1 for all those Bananas...I'll take them all!!
I discovered so much new fruit and veg, this beast is called a Bread Fruit, and next to it, a cousin of the Sweet Potato, Mr Puma Yam.
PINAPPLES- One of my diehard favs, which is why I gave both of these a home! ;)
The beautiful colours continued on our way home, with us stopped every 100 yards, ditching all our bags and whipping out our cameras!
I am in THE BEST MOOD after this little adventure, tasty smoothie for breakie, wandering in the sun for a few hours, buying a Watermelon a wooohoooo! And now up on my roof terrace soaking in the rays with a fresh mint tea.
Yep, that's just mint leaves and water! SO refreshing in the sunshine, calming and great for you!
Does my excitement show?
The Pinapples are hiding in this photo I noticed! Shy, prickly, little things clearly!
All this and more for £5!! No wonder I'm smiling! I also bought myself a little flask, for smoothies on the go!
Ok, I'm off on another little adventure now, I'll let you know how it goes afterwards! Hope you're all having fun in the sun and don't get my shoulder...yes just one shoulder! :P
Green Smoothie: Blueberries, Orange Juice, Greek Yoghurt.......
This morning before heading off to the Fruit and Veg market, Amelie and I enjoyed a lovely Summery tasting Green Smoothie. It's also filled with anti-oxidants to help with digestion and general healthy and also prevents bloating! One of my number one priorities of all time! :P To make this yummy little number you'll need:
2 handfuls of spinach
2 dullops of greek yoghurt (i used Rachel's Greek yoghurt with honey- it's bio too)
4 handfuls of blueberries
a few good slurps of orange juice (NOT from concentrate)
3 scoops of my Dairy Free Icecream (recipe here)
This one is great poured over ice, and enjoyed on a sunny rooftop.
I'll be up on mine soon for the first time this year! And I CAN'T WAIT!
Now, off to the Fruit market so sniff out some deals!
2 handfuls of spinach
2 dullops of greek yoghurt (i used Rachel's Greek yoghurt with honey- it's bio too)
4 handfuls of blueberries
a few good slurps of orange juice (NOT from concentrate)
3 scoops of my Dairy Free Icecream (recipe here)
This one is great poured over ice, and enjoyed on a sunny rooftop.
I'll be up on mine soon for the first time this year! And I CAN'T WAIT!
Now, off to the Fruit market so sniff out some deals!
Salmon Rolls
Yesterday I fancied a snack and had a hankering for Smoked Salmon, so I rooted about in the fridge, and I came up trumps.
This is what I put together. Pesto, Cream Cheese and the Salmon. YUM!
It's really straight forward, lay out the samon pieces and dullop a healthy bit of pesto, cream cheese or the two mixed together and then just rolllll :)
These were so simple to make and great as a little snack, I recon they'd be lovely with spinach leaves instead of salmon too, although they would be rather fragile!
This is what I put together. Pesto, Cream Cheese and the Salmon. YUM!
It's really straight forward, lay out the samon pieces and dullop a healthy bit of pesto, cream cheese or the two mixed together and then just rolllll :)
These were so simple to make and great as a little snack, I recon they'd be lovely with spinach leaves instead of salmon too, although they would be rather fragile!
The perfect size for a on the go snack and tasty too? I hear you say... Could they get any better? It turns out yes.
Tangerines, or Satsumas as they're known in Japan are high in anti-oxidants. Due to their size they have hardly any calories, 53 per 100g, but they hold tonnes more goodness then Oranges, and they are half the size, go team!
Rich in Vitamin C, they have been linked to collagen synthesis (bye bye wrinkles and cellulite), wound healing, anti-viral, anti-cancer activity, and believed to help prevent from neuro-degenerative diseases, arthritis, and can help to fight off a cold or fever.
You can eat all if it, even the skin can be turned into a sweet little treat like Candied Peel.
As previously mentioned, they are the perfect size to grow a couple in your hangbag or gym bag for a snack on the go.
Would you look at that, its a wanna be Playboy Bunny....
Tangerines, or Satsumas as they're known in Japan are high in anti-oxidants. Due to their size they have hardly any calories, 53 per 100g, but they hold tonnes more goodness then Oranges, and they are half the size, go team!
Rich in Vitamin C, they have been linked to collagen synthesis (bye bye wrinkles and cellulite), wound healing, anti-viral, anti-cancer activity, and believed to help prevent from neuro-degenerative diseases, arthritis, and can help to fight off a cold or fever.
You can eat all if it, even the skin can be turned into a sweet little treat like Candied Peel.
As previously mentioned, they are the perfect size to grow a couple in your hangbag or gym bag for a snack on the go.
Would you look at that, its a wanna be Playboy Bunny....
Green Smoothie: Spinach, Banana, Cinnamon and Almond.
So my flatmate and I have unintentionally been having breakfast at the same time the last few days, and it has been lovely. Today I introduced her to her first ever Green Smoothie, and it was a HUGE success. We're gonna make a thing of it! Breakfast buddies anyone? So here is how I coaxed her over to the green side....muhahahaha...
As you can see, three of the ingredients are pretty self explanatory.
Aaaaaand whizz, pour and sluuuurp.
As you can see, three of the ingredients are pretty self explanatory.
The flavoured Rice Milk and Almond Butter are both from Holland and Barrett, I would really suggest going on their website and learning a little about healthier alternatives, even if you don't have allergies like me.
A lot of these healthy alternatives will also last you so much longer than their processed yucky cousins ;) So they work out more cost effective. We're all winning! Anyway! Glenda the Blender can't be kept waiting so here goes.
This makes enough for one greedy gobbler like me, or two for a snack :)
2 bananas
4 handfuls of spinach
6 gluggs of vanilla rice milk (you can use standard milk, soya or almond etc)
2tsp of almond butter (not to be confused with peanut butter)
6 pinches of ground cinnamon
Whack it all in the blender...
Look at all that sexy spicey nuttyness floating about! All that veggie goodness has inspired Amelie and I to go to a food market tomorrow, I'm sure my instagram will be jam packed with brightly coloured goodies!
Happy Slurping!
Dry Shampoo Alternative
Just a quick beauty tip before work! Instead of that mad, blinding panic you get into when you've scheduled your after work drinks straight after work and you realise you've got no dry shampoo... I give you this....
Johnsons baby powder, it's crazy cheap! Only £1.29 a bottle and it'll last you a lifetime! Just sprinkle the smallest amount onto the needed areas and then just massage the roots until you can't see it anymore....
You're welcome ;)
Johnsons baby powder, it's crazy cheap! Only £1.29 a bottle and it'll last you a lifetime! Just sprinkle the smallest amount onto the needed areas and then just massage the roots until you can't see it anymore....
You're welcome ;)
The Benefits of Bananas.
You may have already picked up on my slightly unhealthy love of all things Banana, But I thought I'd just give you the lowdown on why they're such rockstars. Not only are they great "on the go" foods, tasty as hell, packed with nutrients.
It has been proven that by simply eating two bananas a day it can lower your blood pressure, so if you don't fancy taking more tablets, get your tooshie down to your local supermarket for a super banana.
A study carried out in the University of Tokyo discovered that there is a chemical present in ripened Banana's that can help to prevent various forms of Cancer. The longer you leave the Banana the maker, so if it'd almost black just stick it in a smoothie and slurp!
They are a great alternative to a processed, sugar filled snack. Yes, Banana have a fair amount of calories but it's all natural sugar.
It has been proven that a calm, de-stressed person can digest their food better and therefore be healthier. Well yet again the Banana can help.
These little yellow ninjas contain Tryptophan , which when digested converts into Serotonin. Serotonin aids relaxation.
Remarkably easy to digest, and rammed with electrolytes they can help with allsorts of yucky things, nausea, vomiting, the lot.
It is suggested that the average women should receive 1.3 milligrams of this vitamin a day for healthy nerve tissue. This vitamin is pretend mainly in animal proteins, but never fear BANANA is here. He's got it too ;)
Bananas contain Potassium, which helps to prevent muscle cramps. But they also have the slow and long burning carbs in them. So I would suggest one of my Gluten Free Banana Pancakes for breakie before a run.
So lets all promise to Go Bananas, for Bananas! ;)
It has been proven that by simply eating two bananas a day it can lower your blood pressure, so if you don't fancy taking more tablets, get your tooshie down to your local supermarket for a super banana.
A study carried out in the University of Tokyo discovered that there is a chemical present in ripened Banana's that can help to prevent various forms of Cancer. The longer you leave the Banana the maker, so if it'd almost black just stick it in a smoothie and slurp!
They are a great alternative to a processed, sugar filled snack. Yes, Banana have a fair amount of calories but it's all natural sugar.
It has been proven that a calm, de-stressed person can digest their food better and therefore be healthier. Well yet again the Banana can help.
These little yellow ninjas contain Tryptophan , which when digested converts into Serotonin. Serotonin aids relaxation.
Remarkably easy to digest, and rammed with electrolytes they can help with allsorts of yucky things, nausea, vomiting, the lot.
It is suggested that the average women should receive 1.3 milligrams of this vitamin a day for healthy nerve tissue. This vitamin is pretend mainly in animal proteins, but never fear BANANA is here. He's got it too ;)
Bananas contain Potassium, which helps to prevent muscle cramps. But they also have the slow and long burning carbs in them. So I would suggest one of my Gluten Free Banana Pancakes for breakie before a run.
So lets all promise to Go Bananas, for Bananas! ;)
Strawberry Cheesecake Milkshake
I am a huge fan of Peanut Butter,
it's on a par with Marmite as far as I am concerned. For all you
MarmyFans (yes I just made that up) I am planning to create some weird
and wonderful recipes soon. ANYWAY, back to this...
Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie:
1 banana
10-12 strawberries
3-4 heaped tbsp peanut butter
1 splosh of milk ( LactoFree for me ofcourse)
2 handful Oats
Glenda's turn, she's my blender, and yes, I like to name all my appliances in a "Joey from Friends" way.
Ta Da! Hay Presto! A delicious smoothie.
If this is a little heavy for you just make it without the oats.
All those goodies in the last few hours have made me SO full, TOO full, so thank god for Mr Peppermint Tea, although he's making me very sleepy.
Night night boys and girls..
Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie:
1 banana
10-12 strawberries
3-4 heaped tbsp peanut butter
1 splosh of milk ( LactoFree for me ofcourse)
2 handful Oats
Glenda's turn, she's my blender, and yes, I like to name all my appliances in a "Joey from Friends" way.
Ta Da! Hay Presto! A delicious smoothie.
If this is a little heavy for you just make it without the oats.
All those goodies in the last few hours have made me SO full, TOO full, so thank god for Mr Peppermint Tea, although he's making me very sleepy.
Night night boys and girls..
Jude's Icecreams.
My Instagram, which you can find here may have already given the goat away, but I had a little slip up on the Clean and Lean Diet yesterday. And it came in the shape of Jude's Icecreams, I tried to tell myself it wasn't so bad because they're all made from natural ingredients. My pathetic digestive system was having none of it. If, like me you suspect you have a dairy intolerance but can't imagine a world without Icecream check out my Dairy Free Icecream Recipe.
Anyway back to these delicious little pots of joy....
We happily sat and tucked into a variety of flavours including, Roasted Peanut (by far my favourite) Salted Caramel, Ginger, and then the standard Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla. We also tried two of their sorbets as well, Blood Orange and Mango, I felt better about eating these, no dairy and made from just fruit pulp, water and a touch of sugar. They are currently looking into Dairy Free options themselves. If you fancy checking out their site it's just here.
And guess what guys? I JUST discovered they're GLUTEN FREE. Wahey!!! I will now be crossing my fingers and toes that my local Cook Store has them, for when I'm feeling lazy and greedy! For any of you that haven't been to a Cook store they are located in and around the UK, with stores as far away as Edinburgh and Jersey. I would highly recommend them, and they're great with helping out with allergies too :)
Anyway back to these delicious little pots of joy....
We happily sat and tucked into a variety of flavours including, Roasted Peanut (by far my favourite) Salted Caramel, Ginger, and then the standard Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla. We also tried two of their sorbets as well, Blood Orange and Mango, I felt better about eating these, no dairy and made from just fruit pulp, water and a touch of sugar. They are currently looking into Dairy Free options themselves. If you fancy checking out their site it's just here.
And guess what guys? I JUST discovered they're GLUTEN FREE. Wahey!!! I will now be crossing my fingers and toes that my local Cook Store has them, for when I'm feeling lazy and greedy! For any of you that haven't been to a Cook store they are located in and around the UK, with stores as far away as Edinburgh and Jersey. I would highly recommend them, and they're great with helping out with allergies too :)
Lamb Gigot Steak, Potato Rosti, Curly Kale, Mint Jus Reduction and Fried Rosemary.
The Monday afternoon sampling continued in the shape of this delicious little number. Sadly I couldn't eat the potato rosti as it's one of my "enemy foods", (I'm allergic to them, boo hiss hiss) but I have had them in the past, from now on I'll just be making them with Sweet Potato (Yams, to you American folk)
This is the perfect dish if you still fancy something warm 'n' rustic while the weather is still heating up. Or something a little different on a Sunday! Well worth whipping one up if you have the time!
Feta, Beetroot, Broad Bean and Mint Salad.
So for any of you that follow my Instagram you'll know that Monday day shifts are my favourite. Mainly because there is more free time so I get taught new skills, but also because we have Sampling.
Sampling is whereI get to eat my weight in food. we make a few of the new dishes that are appearing on the menu that week, sit, eat and critique them.
Today I was left in the kitchen to basically get on with everything on my own. This just means that the following dishes were made purely by myself.
Here's the salad, since eating it I've pretty much decided I'll be living off this all summer long. Which in England could mean a week....
This salad tastes like summer, if you could eat it.
Summer tastes great!
More perks to follow...
Sampling is where
Today I was left in the kitchen to basically get on with everything on my own. This just means that the following dishes were made purely by myself.
Here's the salad, since eating it I've pretty much decided I'll be living off this all summer long. Which in England could mean a week....
This salad tastes like summer, if you could eat it.
Summer tastes great!
More perks to follow...
How To: Butterfly a Chicken Fillet.
Here's a bit of tekkers I picked up today at work. I'll definitely be using this to make the most of my chicken in the future. "Butterflying" a fillet is incredibly easy. Check out my quick step-by-step guide below.
Place your fillet with the "untidy" side facing up.
There'll be a little piece attached from the centre of the fillet, lift it away from the fillet, quite often you can simply pull it away from the rest of the meat and it will separate without the need of a knife.
Now flip it over to the "tidy" side and trim off any excess fat etc.
Place your palm firmy (without applying too much pressure) to the fillet, while positioning the knife half way down the thickness of the meat. If you're using a good, sharp knife you should be able to easily slide the knife through the fillet. Make sure you stop before reaching the other side. Once you are 95% through, remove your hand to watch carefully as you continue to cut to within half a cm of the edge in a parallel pattern.
Now, just open the fillet out and add a little cooking oil and seasoning.This is the type of shape that you should end up with.
After doing this, you could just cook it as I did, or you could roll, stuff or wrap your chicken in bacon for example.
What did you end up doing to yours?
Place your fillet with the "untidy" side facing up.
There'll be a little piece attached from the centre of the fillet, lift it away from the fillet, quite often you can simply pull it away from the rest of the meat and it will separate without the need of a knife.
Now flip it over to the "tidy" side and trim off any excess fat etc.
Place your palm firmy (without applying too much pressure) to the fillet, while positioning the knife half way down the thickness of the meat. If you're using a good, sharp knife you should be able to easily slide the knife through the fillet. Make sure you stop before reaching the other side. Once you are 95% through, remove your hand to watch carefully as you continue to cut to within half a cm of the edge in a parallel pattern.
Now, just open the fillet out and add a little cooking oil and seasoning.This is the type of shape that you should end up with.
After doing this, you could just cook it as I did, or you could roll, stuff or wrap your chicken in bacon for example.
What did you end up doing to yours?
Clean and Lean So Far....
I'm officially at the end of Day 4 of 14 of the Clean and Lean Kickstart, and I recon it's going really well! I had a slight hankering for something sweet last night and today but I squashed it with either carrot sticks as my snack, or chomping a few cashews nuts! Cashews are currently my number one nut, so creamy! I can't wait to experiment a little with them once I'm on day 15. If you fancy trying out this lifestyle the main things to remember are to cut out the C.R.A.P.
Here's my quick how to guide for sussing out the bad stuff!
Caffeine- Say goodbye to, coffee, tea, and energy drinks etc.
Refined Sugar- No more Sugar, Sweets, also Fruit (fruit is reintroduced after the first 14 days) Also Fruit juice that you buy, is crazy high in sugar, so skip that, and make your own.
Alcohol- Simples.
Processed Foods- Anything with ingredients you heat in a microwave, scrape from a tin, or can't pronounce...why would you want to put that in your body?
It also means no to all of the Ready Meal section and the Sandwiches To Go section.
On top of that I am steering clear of Gluten and Dairy where I can as I seem to have an intolerance, the diet suggests this also, but it's not a deal breaker if you can't manage that as well as everything else. There are lots of alternatives out there. I would suggest going to Whole Foods, or Holland and Barrett and get adventurous. Just as soon as I have done this Kickstart I'll be blogging about more of my yummy alternatives!
At first this does make you think "Oh wow, I'll just eat lettuce then shall I?!"
But fear not! I think my diet is a lot more varied now, no getting stuck in a "I want a chicken wrap from Tescos" rut. Just to give you an idea here's some photos of what I have prepared in the last few days, not all breakfasts were photographed as I had a busy few days at work.
My Lemon, Garlic and Ginger Prawns from the other day you can see my recipe here
So simple! Half an Avocado (I have just learnt to appreciate these) and Smoked Salmon. One of my favourite breakfasts so far!
Lamb Chops with spinach, broccoli and red peppers.
DIPPY EGGS! This is when I knew I loved this diet, I can still have dippy eggs! YES! Just swap out the bread for red pepper....
Or Avocado....
Or my personal fav, a spoon!
One of my packed lunches, I felt like a little kid taking this into work, but I also felt good for sticking to the rules! :P This one is Cajun Chicken, spinach leaves, chopped tomato, and olive oil. The day before, I had it with plain Turkey strips.
More Lamb Chops, this time with gorgeous greens.
Tonight a whipped up a quick Salmon Dish for dinner and I did a quick step-by-step which you can see here.
Here's my quick how to guide for sussing out the bad stuff!
Caffeine- Say goodbye to, coffee, tea, and energy drinks etc.
Refined Sugar- No more Sugar, Sweets, also Fruit (fruit is reintroduced after the first 14 days) Also Fruit juice that you buy, is crazy high in sugar, so skip that, and make your own.
Alcohol- Simples.
Processed Foods- Anything with ingredients you heat in a microwave, scrape from a tin, or can't pronounce...why would you want to put that in your body?
It also means no to all of the Ready Meal section and the Sandwiches To Go section.
On top of that I am steering clear of Gluten and Dairy where I can as I seem to have an intolerance, the diet suggests this also, but it's not a deal breaker if you can't manage that as well as everything else. There are lots of alternatives out there. I would suggest going to Whole Foods, or Holland and Barrett and get adventurous. Just as soon as I have done this Kickstart I'll be blogging about more of my yummy alternatives!
At first this does make you think "Oh wow, I'll just eat lettuce then shall I?!"
But fear not! I think my diet is a lot more varied now, no getting stuck in a "I want a chicken wrap from Tescos" rut. Just to give you an idea here's some photos of what I have prepared in the last few days, not all breakfasts were photographed as I had a busy few days at work.
My Lemon, Garlic and Ginger Prawns from the other day you can see my recipe here
So simple! Half an Avocado (I have just learnt to appreciate these) and Smoked Salmon. One of my favourite breakfasts so far!
Lamb Chops with spinach, broccoli and red peppers.
DIPPY EGGS! This is when I knew I loved this diet, I can still have dippy eggs! YES! Just swap out the bread for red pepper....
Or Avocado....
Or my personal fav, a spoon!
One of my packed lunches, I felt like a little kid taking this into work, but I also felt good for sticking to the rules! :P This one is Cajun Chicken, spinach leaves, chopped tomato, and olive oil. The day before, I had it with plain Turkey strips.
More Lamb Chops, this time with gorgeous greens.
Tonight a whipped up a quick Salmon Dish for dinner and I did a quick step-by-step which you can see here.
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